Terms of use
All services provided by Baltor Engineering and Construction, Ltd. may only be used for legal purposes. Transmission, storage, or presentation of any information, data, or material in any country, state, or city where such activity is prohibited by law is strictly prohibited. This includes, but is not limited to, material protected by copyright, material we deem threatening or obscene, or material protected by trade secret and other statutes. The subscriber agrees to indemnify and defend Baltor Engineering and Construction, Ltd. from any claims resulting from the use of the service that damages the subscriber or any other party.
Sites that promote any illegal activity or present content that may be harmful to the servers of Baltor Engineering and Construction, Ltd., or any other server on the Internet, are strictly prohibited.
Server Abuse
Any attempt to harm or cause damage to a server or client of Baltor Engineering and Construction, Ltd. is strictly prohibited. As our client, you are responsible for all your accounts. If you violate the Terms of Use outlined herein, your account will be canceled without the possibility of refund.
Limitation of Liability
Baltor Engineering and Construction, Ltd. will not be liable for any damages that may arise from the server of Baltor Engineering and Construction, Ltd. Furthermore, Baltor Engineering and Construction, Ltd. will not be responsible for any alleged damages, including incidental or consequential damages, arising from the corruption or deletion of any site from the server of Baltor Engineering and Construction, Ltd.
Any violation of use under these policies should be reported to geral@baltor.pt. All reports will be promptly investigated. Baltor Engineering and Construction, Ltd. reserves the right to change one or all of the above policies and guidelines without notice. It also retains the right to any price increase and to make changes to our account plans without prior notice.

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Baltor Engenharia e Construção, Lda - Building Permit nº59678-PUB
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